Tuesday, July 22, 2014

An Introduction of Sorts

Hello one and all, or at least the few travelers of the internet who stumble across this page. Here I lay before you an introduction of sorts. Mainly to have at least one post on here, and officially to have a kind of layout of what this page of mine is all about.

- I love to read, and mainly this is going to be a place where I will geek out about books, and attempt to review books. I will give my thoughts and critiques (if any) on what I have newly read or re-read.

- I do like to write, when the inspiration and mood take me. And have partially started and stopped...to only start all over again things that I attempt to write. It is the issue of getting it from my mind to the paper (or digital paper) and having myself like it. I have started a couple different blogs with the intent, but could never remember what the site was and never continued it nor shut it down.

- I may also post links or something of the kind to different things I have read on the internet that seems relevant to what I am aiming to do with this site.

- There is also the possibility of there being the addition of legacy stories for Sims 4 when it comes out...I have not fully decided on this one or not. There might be a poll or something later on when it becomes relevant....

Those are pretty much the basic outlines for this humble abode. And this is definitely going to be a new experience. I hope those little followers I may gather up enjoy what I am putting on here. And have a wonderful evening/morning wherever you are.

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