Sunday, October 26, 2014

Taste of Darkness - Maria V. Snyder


I have waited so long to be able to buy and read this book. And I was not disappointed. This book made a wonderful ending to this trilogy, and I honestly do not know where to start. For starters...I was practically living in fear throughout this book that Kerrick would permanently become one with the forest. Especially as winter got closer and closer, and you could tell how drained and how much of a struggle it was for him to do anything. Which brings me to the really interesting concept that she really fleshed out in this book which was the connections that can be made between mages. 

Which definitely gets complicated because first Avry and Kerrick make the connection when she heals Poppa Bear's stomach wound and he needs to help her heal. Then when Tohon decides to imprint on Avry...making Avry almost a battleground for their connections in this book. And then Kerrick bonds with the forest in a more deeper sense. Connections everywhere!

One part that I thought was really interesting was learning more and more about the Peace and Death Lilies, and then Avry eventually coming up with an idea for the cure for the new strain of the plague. And how she came to the conclusion of finally figuring out the reasoning behind the start of the plague, why the other Princes and Princesses of the realms were saved from catching it but not their families.

The romance moments were sweet. It is something that I find very endearing about these books. People have sex, it is going to happen, and Maria V. Snyder does not ignore that part of relationships; she just leaves it to your imagination outside of letting you know they are about to get some lovin' on. Which I think is a good move for these books because it does not take away from the story and the action itself. I thought it especially funny in the second book when they had the funny euphemism for having sex with eating dinner in the tent. And relationship wise, I really wonder how Odd and Avry would have hit it off if Kerrick had eventually died for good. It was very evident in this book Odd's feelings for her, but it also spoke very well for him in that he was 'content' to be her friend and be there for her when she was still set on Kerrick being alive.

It was really great seeing from start to finish the transformation in all of the characters. And it isn't super noticeable until you get to this book that they have all grown up in the sense, and in the case of the monkey's they still managed to maintain their cute humor. Avry manages to slightly control her urges to save anyone and everyone...for the most part. Kerrick is forced in this book to take a step back in certain circumstances instead of being in charge and leading everything.

 And speaking of humor. I absolutely loved the part where Belen and Flea joke about how almost everyone in their original squad has been presumed dead at one point, and despite all odds have managed to come back from the dead. And speaking of the rising from the dead. I think that in the case of Flea, Avry and Kerrick it made them really realize how mortal they can be and how close they all came to not coming back. And was definitely part of what made them grow in a sense.

This book was definitely not a disappointment and only has me even more excited for Shadow Study to come out (keep your eyes on the countdown clock!). And you REALLY REALLY need to read her books :) trust me.

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