Sunday, March 8, 2015

Wizard Squared - K.E. Mills

So...the first book was rather light (outside of torture and dealing with a crazed lunatic named Lional who also has a dragon). The second book took a slightly darker turn...bad things were happening in the world, mainly through the help of a black market wizard....this third book however? It is essentially as if someone turned out the lights. There are bad things happening left, right and center...and this isn't even in their world!

Gerald is assigned to meet someone who has some information on this dreadful black magic wizard who was partially responsible for the goings on of the second book. Such as supplying that awful hair pin hex that Permilia had. While on his way to go meet hopefully the key to locating this bad wizard, he is snatched while using the portal and dragged into a parallel world. While at roughly the same time, the Monk from the that parallel world came to this world to get help to stop...guess who? The big bad Gerald of his world.

What I absolutely love about the idea behind this book, is what would have happened had things went differently? What would have happened if Gerald HAD looked at the grimoires? I absolutely love thinking about things like this in relation to what happens in books. And this third book delivers the answer. Gerald becomes a very strong, very dark wizard who is convinced he is doing the right thing (in a sense). And it is so...crazy to realize just how bad grimoire magic is, and what it can drive people to do, even though they had the best intentions when trying to use the magic. It can take the wonderful person that is Gerald and enhance the worst qualities in him (because...lets be honest, no one has 100% good qualities in real life or in the fictional world).

It made the torture scene in the first book seem okay in comparison. Gerald2 caused SO much suffering in his world, it just hurt to read about what he was doing to Monk, Mel and what he did to Reg. It was in this book that Karen Miller really showed what she is quite capable of, and it was heartbreaking. I was definitely reading the last part of the book in tears full of sadness and disbelief over what had transpired at the end. I refuse to spoil it for those of you who are going to read it.

However, I can tell you that the ultimate goal of stopping Gerald2 was definitely accomplished...but the price of the whole endeavor was a very very steep one. And to be honest there are very few books that made me this upset at the very end of them...but please do not let this make you want to skip it or stay away from the series. It was very well written and a very nice way to lead into the feelings roller-coaster of the 4th book.

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