Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Runes by Ednah Walters

 I was able to get my hands on a kindle version of this book through one of those random special offers they have on Amazon where you can get a book for free. Right now if you have Amazon Prime you are able to buy the Kindle version for 99 cents. So on to the review. 

This book was...interesting. I really liked the concept of using Valkyries and the Norns in Norse mythology. The idea of using the runes to perform magic and what not. However, other then that I was not particularly impressed. All the main character thinks about is how hot her neighbor (who you find out is one of these Valkyries) is and what an electric effect he has on her. And it is like that just about every time he shows up in the book. The most annoying part is when she admits to herself that she loves being around him (Torin), and eventually really likes the effect he has on her; and yet she is still with her childhood friend. She goes out of her way to sneak out and see Torin, but just cannot bring herself to break up with Eirik. She goes from feeling that the runes are strange and interesting, to them making her a freak, back to them being strange and interesting. 

Towards the end of the book her and Torin end up making out, and through some jealous actions by Torin's brother's girlfriend she is put in the hospital. I feel like if she finally made out with the other man that she should probably break up with Eirik. No. She doesn't. Torin sits with her practically 24/7 in the hospital, snuggles with her at night, and she still does not break up with Eirik. I think that is what mainly annoyed me about the book. She feels like it would hurt him more for her to break up with him than if he were to find out about the sneaking cuddles and the make out session. I also think my viewpoint on the whole thing is also possibly skewed because it seems as if the main character loved the book Twilight *shudder*. She bases her guessing that Torin is not a vampire based off of the fact he does not sparkle. I mean really? Really?! There are many vampire novels BEFORE Twilight and none of them featuring bedazzled vampires, and she decides to rule him out as being a vampire based off of him not sparkling in the daylight. My goodness. 

I think generally to sum things up; it had a great concept, and it was not like pulling my eyes out of my head to read it. However, I will probably not finish the remaining 3 or 4 books that follow this one. I probably would not feel right recommending this to any of my friends (just based off of their tastes), however if you are looking for a quick read and do not mind being constantly reminded of the hotness that is Torin and the effect he has on her then you might as well give it a try while it is only 99 cents before it goes back up to being $9...because really...I would not have spent $9 and am glad I got it for free.

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