Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Amazon Prime Free Kindle Book of the Month - Playing It Safe by Barbie Bohrman

With another month comes the opportunity for me to pick a free book for the kindle app on my phone that comes out in October. I decided to go way outside my comfort zone and choose a romance book. I partly went this way so then I could maybe find a book that I could give a negative review to. You know...to increase my credibility because most of the books I am going to be reviewing on here are books that I have already read because I am a poor, poor graduate. 

I also picked this book because this is technically a sequel in a sense, it comes after another book that she published. However, the difference between the two books is that this one focuses on a good friend of the main character in the other book. Which in some cases speaks volumes because there are numerous books I have read in which I would wish there was a book dedicated to one of the side characters because they are just so interesting. 

To start things off, for the kind of book that it is (a romance), I think the way it was written plays so well with the main character that it immediately had me in love with the book. The character, Julia is looking for love and lust in all the wrong places. She is an extremely sassy character who will speak her mind almost no matter what. The way that the character narrates this book plays so well with that, and it gets rid of some of the awkwardness that can ensue when the sexual encounters take place. It also did a wonderful job of getting the sexual tension down...a VERY good job. The writing for the sex scenes were definitely far from awkward and very well done. There were very energized parts, sweet parts, on the kinky side parts and for those who are like me and can find written sex scenes to generally fall short in the sense where it either just written badly or what IS written well is just way too unrealistic then you won't be disappointed. 

The part that I honestly loved the best though was the ending. And not in the 'glad it was over' kind of way. She epilogue was done in the point of view of the man she ends up with (won't tell you any spoilers beyond that!). And you can definitely tell the difference, it was a complete and obvious voice change with how it was written. And it did a wonderful job of being realistic. It slides in the information that she is on birth control which explains how she is fine with having sex without a condom (however, it does show that she doesn't get to sex with everyone she has gone on a date with which gives a way of explaining from her view why she doesn't worry about sex diseases without actually saying it.). 

Would I have gone out and bought this on my own? No. I see the romance section in the book store and I avoid it at all cost. I generally have a thing where porn in book form is just not my thing. I felt like this book provided a good build up to the scenes, and I will say this for the first time ever: I liked the sex scenes. 
Would I go out and buy a copy of the book however? No. I do not see myself really re-reading it, however, if you are in to romance books I would definitely recommend it because of the humor and all the characters involved. It was a very nice break from what I usually read, and I was definitely pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed reading this book. If it means anything to you, I did read this from start to finish in essentially one sitting; except for a minor food break. 

So if you are romance book inclined OR just want to go on an adventure away from the normal reading that you do and want something that is easy to enjoy then I would definitely recommend this book to you. If you are someone that looks for a book that you can read a lot into, you might find this too lighthearted with not enough substance. If you chose this book on Amazon Prime let me know how you like it, if you have read the previous book by this author let me know how you like it! 

A shout out for all of you returning to school: Have a nice school year, and try to make time for some non-required reading :) Trust me, it helps.

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